Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Governing Body

     Streetopia's governing body is going to be some what like the united states. We would elect a president and every city would have a mayor and we shall make laws and pass it through the judges and then the president would agree or disagree so it would be fair. If a president or a Leader isn't being fair then we will either vote him off or just kick him off ourselves, and if the president thinks you're being unfair then he has the power to vote you out of the congress.
     Our congress would be set up by the people we want and vote into it and evveryone HAS to vote and if the don't vote they will be fined. The congress would help the president make new rules and jail people if they really need to. The people of Streetopia would as well have the right to elect who they think would make a good improvement to our country. And as well if the goverment is failing we would have to go to a dicatorship just incase to get our government back up and running then changed back to the old ways.

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